A to Z of common education acronyms_Learn Education Abbreviations 2020_COMMON ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS USED IN EDUCATION

A to Z of common education acronyms_Learn Education Abbreviations 2020_COMMON ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS USED IN EDUCATION

SED: School Education Department

★SLOs: Student Learning Outcomes

★ DRC: District Review/Recruitment Committee

★ ACR: Annual Confidential Report

★ PER: Performance Evaluation Report

★ ETTE: English for Teaching and Teaching for English

★ PD: Program Director/Professional Development

★ CPD: Continuous Professional Day

★ RPM: Regional Program Director

★ TPR: Total Physical Response

★ ABT: Activity Based Teaching

★ ABL: Activity Based Learning

★ STSE: Science Technology Society Environment

★ PITE: Provincial Institute of Teacher Educator

★ SMC: School Management Committee

★ PEELI: Punjab Education English Language Initiative

★ QD: Quality Drive

★ LND: Literacy Numeracy Drive

★ TE: Teacher Educator

★ DTE: District Teacher Educator

★ PEC: Punjab Examination Commission

★ PEEDA: Punjab Employees Efficiency Discipline and Accountability (2006)

★ LPR: Leave Proprietary Retirement

★ PRSO: The Punjab Removal from Service Ordinance (2009)

★ ECE: Early Childhood Education

★ EYE: Early Years of Education

★ CFS: Child Friendly School

★ CCS: Child Centered School

★ NPST: National Professional Standard for Teachers

★ ADU: Academic Development Unit

★ SOP: School Organization Plan

★ QAED: Quaid e Azam Academy for Education Development

★ PMIU: Punjab Monitoring and Implementation Unit

★ MEA: Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant

★ DAO: District Account Office

★ DPI: Director Public Instructions

★ CEO: Chief Executive Officer

★ DEO: District Education Officer

★ EDO: Executive District Officer

★ DMO: District Monitoring Officer

★ Dy DEO: Deputy DEO

★SOLO: Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes

★ DC: Deputy Commissioner

★PST: Primary School Teacher

★EST: Elementary School Teacher

★SSE: Senior Subject Educator

★SST: Secondary School Teacher

★ SS: Subject Specialist

★ SSS: Senior Subject Specialist

★ PEF: Punjab Education Foundation

★FAS: Foundation Assisted Schools

★ EVS: Education Voucher Scheme

★ NSP: New School Program

★ FTF: Frogh e Taleem Fund

★ NSB: Non Salary Budget

★ BM: Benchmark

★ AEO: Assistant Education Officer

★ TPV: Third Party Validation

★ SWOT: Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

★ QA: Quality Assurance

★ DSD: Directorate of Staff Development

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